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5 Ways to Give Your HVAC System a Little Love This Valentine’s Day

If you care for your HVAC system it will return the favor by running smoothly and that’s something you’ll always appreciate! Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time to show your HVAC system some love—here’s how.

Change Your Filters

Part of your heater’s job is to pull older air back into your system for reheating—then push it out again to keep your house warm. Before it goes back out, though, it goes through the filter, just to clear it of any dust it might have picked up on the way. But if your filter is clogged, your unit will have to work harder to push that reheated air through the works. And that’s not just tough on your unit’s internal components. It’s also hard on your energy bills as well. A harder-working unit is a more expensive unit, so do your system and yourself a favor and change your filters every four to six weeks.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats learn your preferences over time by tracking the adjustments you make, then make those changes on their own—and they often provide recommendations for how to save energy, as well. The Department of Energy estimates that you can shave up to 10 percent off your utility bills just by setting your thermostat back seven to ten degrees while you’re away at work. And that means your unit doesn’t have to work as hard, either.

Seal Up Drafts in Your Home

Your HVAC unit’s efficiency isn’t just affected by how you use your thermostat. Drafts caused by leaks in your windows and doors—or around exits for electrical wiring, plumbing, and vents—can let out precious heating and cooling, and allow winds in on frosty days. In most cases, air sealing your home makes for a pretty simple DIY project. Just get some silicone caulk and weatherstripping and go to town, applying caulking over the stationary seals in windows, or where pipes and wiring come through your home’s exterior walls. The weatherstripping fits over the moving parts—the bottom of the window sash and around your doorjamb. Your HVAC (and your family!) will feel snug and cozy in your new weather-proof home.

Spend Some Time Dusting

Nobody likes spending time in a dusty home—least of all, your HVAC unit. As we mentioned before, part of your heater’s job is to cycle heated air back through your system—and filtering is an integral step in that process. But the more dust, lint, and pet hair you have lying around your house, the more dirt your unit will pick up. And remember those filters you just put in? They won’t last as long in a dirty house, either. Take some time to vacuum your carpets and upholstery, then hit your wood floors and furniture with a microfiber cloth. Not only will it be good for your HVAC, you’ll also breathe cleaner air.

Seal Up Leaks in Your Ductwork

You can think of your home’s ductwork kind of like a drinking straw: if it springs a leak, the liquid—or in this case, the heated or cooled air—isn’t going to wind up where it’s supposed to. And no matter how hard your unit works to heat or cool air, it’s only going to be as efficient as its ductwork. Ducts often develop leaks and gaps around joints and seams over time, so it’s only right to give your system a closer inspection every once and awhile. Some signs your system is leaking? Rattling noises in your ducts when you turn on the heating or AC, rooms that stay colder or hotter than the rest of the home, and vents where the air stream feels weak. Shore up leaks with mastic sealant or metal tape—or have a professional out to perform a blower door test on your home.

And as always, if you need any HVAC maintenance or repairs, give All Weather Specialist a call at 773-488-2877 to schedule an appointment - we will be happy to assist you.

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Tim Smith
Tim Smith
Feb 22, 2023

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